Friday, August 26, 2011

All moved in!

Hello readers! Sorry I've been away from my blog for a while, I've been busy moving in and getting acquainted with my new home. Even though it's only been a week, I haven't really noticed much of a difference, I'm not terribly homesick but I do miss my boyfriend like crazy. We've been talking everyday which helps us feel closer. We have also reached 9 months together! Hooray!

I used photos from a 2010 black and white Paris calendar.
As for living on my own things are going well. I am very pleased with my roommates which is something not everyone can say I'm sure. Although we haven't been living together for very long, I hope for the best this year. On the plus side I hardly ever have to use the dishwasher since I find myself using very little dishes at that. If anything I wash them by hand as soon as I'm done using them.

Regarding my room I like the way it looks now but it does seem a bit bland. Like I mentioned before decorating and interior design is not my thing. It does look a bit cluttered and could be neater if I move things around more and add more color but I am content with it. It reminds me of a hotel almost, just one that I can stay in every night.

At first our living room was so bland but one of my roommates family were very generous and bought us a few throw pillows, a lamp, and a television stand that included a tv. I also brought a family coffee table from home so it looks more inviting now. Hopefully as the year goes on I will learn more tips & tricks as how to decorate my room but as for now it will probably stay as is.

I am enjoying living on my own and I am also very pleased with my classes. This time it is more career focused and I can definitely say that Hospitality is my calling. I look forward to learning new things about life in general and working towards my next goal which is getting a job to pay off these expenses. Wish me luck!

Best of luck to you too readers, with whatever goal you may be aiming to achieve.

-- Mags

Friday, August 12, 2011

Dodging the Meteors

Things lately have been feeling so hectic. I feel like I'm in a spaceship trying to navigate through a meteor shower. There's something everywhere, and I can't seem to avoid it. What's worse is that this is all happening right as I'm about to move! It's insane and I want to get a grip on it.

It's mainly a lot of other people's traits I feel like I'm handling. Fake, stubborn, angry, irritated, all very negative and very unwelcome. It's all really starting to weigh down on me and sometimes I feel lost in it all. Although after reading a few chapters from a self-help book, (it helps to hear it from someone else once in a while) I feel a tiny bit more rational. I am the only person who has control over my life, no one else, plain and simple. Not everyone is going to like me, so be it. I have to learn to be the bigger person and ignore anyone trying to bring me down. If there's one thing I took away from that self-help book it was ditch negative people in your life. If you give love and respect and don't receive love and respect in return, that person is not worth your time. Life really is to short to be hated, so I vow to enjoy and appreciate those who love and respect me. For some reason they have chosen to look past my mood swings and appreciate me for who I am. A special thanks to them.

As I sit here typing, I look around my room and I see boxes. The boxes are filled with what I will take with me. Everything else will be sold or trashed. In a way it's almost as if I'm taking only the good with me and leaving the bad behind. I no longer need it and I don't have room to store it. If I can ditch furniture without feeling any emotional attachment to it, I can ditch negative people who bring negative energy into my life.

I'm starting to believe that maybe there is some hope. Somewhere past all of these meteors there is an empty space that leaves room for improvement. I intend to get to that empty space no matter what and start improving myself and my life.

To all my readers out there, take care. Whatever meteor showers you may be trying to get through, just remember that there's that little bit of empty space waiting for you on the other side. You can reach it.

- Mags