Friday, July 22, 2011

Boxes & Movies

Now that I've got my room assignment (and roommates) I've been getting an early start on my shopping. I've been focusing on the basics, mainly stuff like sheets, pots and pans, laundry bags, and all that good stuff. My room is starting to look a bit disheveled now with a trash bag next to my bed full of paper scraps, shopping bags full of stuff that I've bought, and boxes filled with the things I want to take. There are many things like most of my bedroom furniture that will have to be given away because my parents have no room to store it. I've enjoyed my spacious room for the time being and I accept that it's time to move on.

One of my biggest challenges so far, that seems fairly easy though is getting my hands on some boxes to pack my belongings. It makes no sense for me to buy boxes when I'm only going to use them one time and they'll most likely get trashed one way or another. I've been searching craigslist for free boxes and have tried to see if any local stores are giving any away but so far no luck. But I am hopeful. :)

Beside my worries over moving out, I also have to consider how to de-stress. I occasionally watch my Bravo reality television shows but if there's one thing I've found as an escape from the stresses of daily life it's sitting in my room and watching movies. I enjoy both modern and old movies because I like to escape and get caught up in a plot. My boyfriend has a ton of 80's horror flicks, most of which I haven't seen yet so I always have something new to watch thanks to him. There is no particular movie or genre that I call my favorite but there are a handful of films that I could watch repeatedly like the glamorous gals of Sex & the City and the magical Harry Potter films.

What about you fellow readers, what sort of things do you enjoy doing to unwind?

-- Mags

Monday, July 11, 2011

Don't forget the food and cleaning supplies!

Quick note: I forgot to mention that I have just filled out a housing application and haven't exactly heard back from it yet. It's only been 1 business day but there's still the worst possible outcome in the back of my head which is "my application might get denied and I won't have a place to live". But until then I can still plan ahead and dream.

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The hardest part of moving out to me seems to be figuring out what I need to take and what to buy. Another challenging factor will be the space issue. I'll be going from a nice large bedroom complete with nightstands and coffee tables to a small, very standard room complete with a twin bed, one dresser, a desk and a closet. As you might assume I'm going to have to learn how to be a bit more organized. Also keep in mind that finding clever ways to make a small space look cute yet still be practical is not my area of expertise (I would love to have my room like the one above). That's more so my mother, but she won't always be there. I think this will be a good time for me to learn about how to organize my living space. 

I already have a list of things I know I'll need like a hanging wall mirror, wall hooks, bed set, the works. Oh and don't forget food for the cabinets and emergency cleaning supplies! I'm sure there are a ton of items that I will forget to add to my list so suggestions and advice are welcomed and greatly appreciated! Store recommendations are great too. :)

Thanks readers!


Sunday, July 10, 2011

I have a place to live!

Before I was accepted to UCF, I had originally planned on renting my own apartment. At my previous school I heard a lot of roommate horror stories and movies like "The Roommate" and "Single White Female" didn't help either. The idea of rooming with a complete stranger seemed absolutely terrifying. Therefore I was determined to live by myself, with on-campus housing being my last resort. However while at orientation my mom and I decided to check out the on-campus apartments. Why apartments and not dorms you ask? Well you see the place where I'll be doing the majority of my studying is located 45 minutes away from the main campus, so on-campus housing there is considered apartments. They even look like apartments too; inside each room is a kitchen, living room, and personal bathroom. The only thing similar to a dorm itself are the individual rooms, which are small but perfect for a college student. There's also plenty of free bonuses as well like free laundry, free coffee, a heated leisure pool, housekeeping (I know right?), and free parking on the main campus as well.

It's definitely a lot more than I could have asked for, let alone afford. But my mom has agreed to help me out with what she can like groceries while I look for a job to support myself. Considering how much I've been stressing out over my living situation, I'm extremely thankful for any help that I can get, and I hope to pay my mother in return when I can. I've recently submitted an application for housing so until then it's all a waiting game.

By the way, have I mentioned I'll be living with 3 roommates? Also very different from what I expected but I'm eager to try it. I understand that there will be problems that arise with any living situation but it's a learning experience nonetheless.

As for now it's off to dreamland, sleep peacefully fellow readers.



Greetings readers!

First off let me thank you for taking the time to read this. I'm new to the blogging world and since I'm getting ready to move out for the first time next month I figured this would be a good way to document my journey as well as to keep family and friends updated while I'm away.

I'm currently a student at the University of Central Florida, having transferred from Santa Fe College in Gainesville. Being that I am a transfer student and have had some insight into the college life, I have yet to experience university life. While away I do plan to continue to stay dedicated to my studies, but I also plan to get more involved as well. I met many great people at my previous school but considering it's small size, I found it difficult to get involved. Now that I can focus on getting my Bachelor's degree in Hospitality management, I now see the importance of school spirit and involvement. I've finally achieved my dream of attending a university and now that I'm here I intend to make the best of my experience here, in a responsible manner that is.

The events, classes, parties and people will be a lot for me to take in and I hope to find a balance between it all. I'm both eager and nervous to venture out on my own but I want to go enter this experience with a positive attitude and an open mind. I've learned that anything can happen in life, but what's important is what I learn from it all.

Stay tuned fellow readers.
