Quick note: I forgot to mention that I have just filled out a housing application and haven't exactly heard back from it yet. It's only been 1 business day but there's still the worst possible outcome in the back of my head which is "my application might get denied and I won't have a place to live". But until then I can still plan ahead and dream.
Photo courtesy of nabuzz.com
The hardest part of moving out to me seems to be figuring out what I need to take and what to buy. Another challenging factor will be the space issue. I'll be going from a nice large bedroom complete with nightstands and coffee tables to a small, very standard room complete with a twin bed, one dresser, a desk and a closet. As you might assume I'm going to have to learn how to be a bit more organized. Also keep in mind that finding clever ways to make a small space look cute yet still be practical is not my area of expertise (I would love to have my room like the one above). That's more so my mother, but she won't always be there. I think this will be a good time for me to learn about how to organize my living space.
I already have a list of things I know I'll need like a hanging wall mirror, wall hooks, bed set, the works. Oh and don't forget food for the cabinets and emergency cleaning supplies! I'm sure there are a ton of items that I will forget to add to my list so suggestions and advice are welcomed and greatly appreciated! Store recommendations are great too. :)
Thanks readers!